Ausstellungsauszug Berlin Global

Humboldt Forum – Berlin Global Exhibition

Client: Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH

Year: 2021

Awards: BrandEx, ADC

Museums and exhibitions

The Berlin exhibition in the rebuilt Berlin City Palace will open in 2021. Here, the connection between Berlin and the world can be experienced in an unexpected way.

In autumn 2016, a two-stage competition was run to design the exhibition, from which krafthaus - the studio of facts and fiction emerged as the winner. Since the beginning of 2017, krafthaus has been working on the design of the individual rooms for the Berlin exhibition. In intensive workshops, curators and designer discuss the contents and their visualization in space - participation as a process shapes the development of the exhibition until its opening in Summer 2021 - and beyond.

Berlin Global Raum mit Lichtern

The central basis for the Berlin exhibition is a strongly participatory approach. The 4,000 square metre exhibition is divided into seven aspects that approach Berlin's global interconnectedness from different perspectives. Visitors are immersed in very independent stagings on themes such as revolution or fashion.

Ausstellungsauszug Berlin Global Klamotten

The exhibition spaces create atmospheres and moods that are oriented towards the content of the room and make use of various exhibition means ranging from classical museum design to interactive digital staging. In this way, visitors encounter a kaleidoscope of different approaches and possibilities for dealing with the contents.

The exhibition is a discursive, social and interactive place for Berliners and Berlin visitors alike. Visitors are not only understood as recipients of a self-contained narrative, but are also invited to discuss and actively participate.

New formats can be defined, tried out, continued or rejected. In the future, the project should make a museological contribution to the debate on participation and innovative approaches in museum work.  
