Our way of life leaves traces on our planet. Climate change, air pollution and polluted waters not only damage our environment, but also put a strain on our health. The exhibition "Planet Health" shows how we can lead a healthy life while protecting our environment.

The travelling exhibition is a joint project of the German Federal Environment Foundation (DBU) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).
The exhibition guides visitors through a day's activities. A variety of interactive stations explain how much chemistry is hidden in the bathroom, which pollutants are slumbering in the workplace, how our mobility behaviour can influence our body and environment, or how climate change can affect not only animals and plants but also our health.

A special interaction experience is the digital health game, which connects all exhibition stations with each other. Visitors receive a chip card with which they can collect knowledge points along the way through the exhibition.
The exhibition is aimed particularly at young people and families. It can be seen at the DBU Centre for Environmental Communication in Osnabrück until the end of 2020. After that, it will be on tour through Germany for about five years. It can be borrowed free of charge.
Weitere Informationen unter: https://www.planetgesundheit.org/