The Basic Law came into force 75 years ago - this anniversary was taken as an opportunity to transform the entire area around the Federal Chancellery, the German Bundestag and the Spreebogen into a colourful celebration of democracy for a weekend. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) also presented itself in Paul-Löbe-Allee.
On around 200 square metres in and infront of the pavilion, everything revolved around the energy transition. Germany has set itself the ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2045. Furthermore, Germany must not lose its status as a leading industrialised nation. After all, prosperity and democracy are directly linked.

facts and fiction translated the BMWK's plans into haptic and interactive exhibits, making it possible to experience the work of the ministry in the context of preserving our democracy. Thus, the introduction to the BMWK pavilion was a simple and powerful question: “Does a strong economy help to consolidate our democracy?” we asked the citizens. Over the course of the three days, the answer was clear: YES!

facts and fiction staged the good news that Germany will cover over 50% of its electricity needs from renewable energy sources for the first time in 2023. Visitors were able to compare their assumptions with the actual percentage shares of energy sources in the overall electricity mix.

One highlight in the outdoor area was a showcase project from the BMWK funding programme. The steel production of Georgsmarienhütte GmbH is now powered by green electricity thanks to the economic development programme. facts and fiction presented real steel from Georgsmarienhütte and invited visitors to learn more about the links between the steel industry and Germany as a business location.
Against the backdrop of the energy transition, the focus is not only on wind energy but also on solar power. The number of balcony power plants rose from 200,000 to almost 400,000 in 2023 and must continue to rise if the energy transition is to succeed in full. With this idea of creating a balcony landscape outside the pavilion, facts and fiction demonstrated how well every single citizen can make a contribution.

Inside the pavilion, the focus was on citizen participation. Visitors engaged with citizen dialogue formats and addressed their concerns and wishes to Federal Minister Habeck in the form of handwritten notes. Finally, they took a very personal look at democracy in the form of individual values. Everyone has values that guide them in their lives. At the end of the democracy festival, the wall of values provided an insight into which values are most important to people. Above all, peace.

facts and fiction was responsible for the concept, design and realisation and supported the BMWK in communicating its goals and messages in a clear and interactive way. This clearly emphasised the link between prosperity, economic strength and the consolidation of our democracy.