Innocence in Danger (IiD) in Germany is an international NGO committed to protecting children and young adults from sexualised violence and its spread on digital and social media.

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs (BMFSFJ), IiD launched the #UNDDU? Campaign. The campaign aims to combat sexual violence among young people and includes various workshop formats, informative materials and YouTube clips. The target groups of the campaign include parents, education professionals and of course the young people themselves. Seperate brochures and workshop formats were developed for each of these target groups.

facts and fiction developed and designed the communication concept as well as the didactic concept of the workshops and the accompanying brochures and materials for the different target groups with IiD. As the workshops are taking place during a pandemic, digital and hybrid formats were developed that are characterised by a high interaction. The concepts were developed participatively with the target groups. All materials are also available in simplified language.